Cries of Terror Page 19
Goddard turned a slow look upon her. The tall, angular figure was standing in an attitude of respectful attention; the cold slatey-brown eyes were cast down, the sullen face expressionless.
‘She couldn’t have had a better doctor,’ he said, looking at the fire again. ‘No man could have done more for her.’
‘And nobody could have done more for her than you did, sir,’ was the reply. ‘There’s few husbands that would have done what you did.’
Goddard stiffened in his chair. ‘That will do, Hannah,’ he said curtly.
‘Or done it so well,’ said the woman, with measured slowness.
With a strange, sinking sensation, her master paused to regain his control. Then he turned and eyed her steadily. ‘Thank you,’ he said slowly; ‘you mean well, but at present I cannot discuss it.’
For some time after the door had closed behind her he sat in deep thought. The feeling of well-being of a few minutes before had vanished, leaving in its place an apprehension which he refused to consider, but which would not be allayed. He thought over his actions of the last few weeks, carefully, and could remember no flaw. His wife’s illness, the doctor’s diagnosis, his own solicitous care, were all in keeping with the ordinary. He tried to remember the woman’s exact words – her manner. Something had shown him Fear. What?
He could have laughed at his fears next morning. The dining-room was full of sunshine and the fragrance of coffee and bacon was in the air. Better still, a worried and commonplace Hannah. Worried over two eggs with false birth-certificates, over the vendor of which she became almost lyrical.
‘The bacon is excellent,’ said her smiling master, ’So is the coffee; but your coffee always is.’
Hannah smiled in return, and, taking fresh eggs from a rosy-cheeked maid, put them before him.
A pipe, followed by a brisk walk, cheered him still further. He came home glowing with exercise and again possessed with that sense of freedom and freshness. He went into the garden – now his own – and planned alterations.
After lunch he went over the house. The windows of his wife’s bedroom were open and the room neat and airy. His glance wandered from the made-up bed to the brightly polished furniture. Then he went to the dressing-table and opened the drawers, searching each in turn. With the exception of a few odds and ends they were empty. He went out on to the landing and called for Hannah.
‘Do you know whether your mistress locked up any of her things?’ he inquired.
‘What things?’ said the woman.
‘Well, her jewellery mostly.’
‘Oh!’ Hannah smiled. ‘She gave it all to me,’ she said, quietly.
Goddard checked an exclamation. His heart was beating nervously, but he spoke sternly.
‘Just before she died – of gastro-enteritis,’ said the woman.
There was a long silence. He turned and with great care mechanically closed the drawers of the dressing-table. The tilted glass showed him the pallor of his face, and he spoke without turning round.
‘That is all right, then,’ he said huskily. ‘I only wanted to know what had become of it. I thought, perhaps Milly –’
Hannah shook her head. ‘Milly’s all right,’ she said, with a strange smile. ‘She’s as honest as we are. Is there anything more you want, sir?’
She closed the door behind her with the quietness of the well-trained servant; Goddard, steadying himself with his hand on the rail of the bed, stood looking into the future.
The days passed monotonously, as they pass with a man in prison. Gone was the sense of freedom and the idea of a wider life. Instead of a cell, a house with ten rooms – but Hannah, the jailer, guarding each one. Respectful and attentive, the model servant, he saw in every word a threat against his liberty – his life. In the sullen face and cold eyes he saw her knowledge of power; in her solicitude for his comfort and approval, a sardonic jest. It was the master playing at being the servant. The years of unwilling servitude were over, but she felt her way carefully with infinite zest in the game. Warped and bitter, with a cleverness which had never before had scope, she had entered into her kingdom. She took it little by little, savouring every morsel.
‘I hope I’ve done right, sir,’ she said one morning. ‘I have given Milly notice.’
Goddard looked up from his paper. ‘Isn’t she satisfactory?’ he inquired.
‘Not to my thinking, sir,’ said the woman. ‘And she says she is coming to see you about it. I told her that would be no good.’
‘I had better see her and hear what she has to say,’ said her master.
‘Of course, if you wish to,’ said Hannah; ‘only, after giving her notice, if she doesn’t go, I shall. I should be sorry to go – I’ve been very comfortable here – but it’s either her or me.’
‘I should be sorry to lose you,’ said Goddard in a hopeless voice.
‘Thank you, sir,’ said Hannah. ‘I’m sure I’ve tried to do my best. I’ve been with you some time now – and I know all your little ways. I expect I understand you better than anybody else would. I do all I can to make you comfortable.’
‘Very well, I will leave it to you,’ said Goddard in a voice which strove to be brisk and commanding. ‘You have my permission to dismiss her.’
‘There’s another thing I wanted to see you about,’ said Hannah; ‘my wages. I was going to ask for a rise, seeing that I’m really housekeeper here now.’
‘Certainly,’ said her master, considering, ‘that only seems fair. Let me see – what are you getting?’
Goddard reflected for a moment and then turned with a benevolent smile. ‘Very well,’ he said cordially, ‘I’ll make it forty-two. That’s ten shillings a month more.’
‘I was thinking of a hundred,’ said Hannah dryly.
The significance of the demand appalled him. ‘Rather a big jump,’ he said at last. ‘I really don’t know that I –’
‘It doesn’t matter,’ said Hannah. ‘I thought I was worth it – to you – that’s all. You know best. Some people might think I was worth two hundred. That’s a bigger jump, but after all a big jump is better than –’
She broke off and tittered. Goddard eyed her.
‘ – than a big drop,’ she concluded.
Her master’s face set. The lips disappeared and something came into the pale eyes that was revolting. Still eyeing her, he rose and approached her. She stood her ground and met him eye to eye.
‘You are jocular,’ he said at last.
‘Short life and a merry one,’ said the woman.
‘Mine or yours?’
‘Both, perhaps,’ was the reply.
‘If – if I give you a hundred,’ said Goddard, moistening his lips, ‘that ought to make your life merrier, at any rate.’
Hannah nodded. ‘Merry and long, perhaps,’ she said slowly. ‘I’m careful, you know – very careful.’
‘I am sure you are,’ said Goddard, his face relaxing.
‘Careful what I eat and drink, I mean,’ said the woman, eyeing him steadily.
‘That is wise,’ he said slowly. ‘I am myself – that is why I am paying a good cook a large salary. But don’t overdo things, Hannah; don’t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.’
‘I am not likely to do that,’ she said coldly. ‘Live and let live; that is my motto. Some people have different ones. But I’m careful; nobody won’t catch me napping. I’ve left a letter with my sister, in case.’
Goddard turned slowly and in a casual fashion put the flowers straight in a bowl on the table, and, wandering to the window, looked out. His face was white again and his hands trembled.
‘To be opened after my death,’ continued Hannah. ‘I don’t believe in doctors – not after what I’ve seen of them – I don’t think they know enough; so if I die I shall be examined. I’ve given good reasons.’
‘And suppose,’ said Goddard, coming from the window, ‘suppose she is curious, a
nd opens it before you die?’
‘We must chance that,’ said Hannah, shrugging her shoulders; ‘but I don’t think she will. I sealed it up with sealing-wax, with a mark on it.’
‘She might open it and say nothing about it,’ persisted her master.
An unwelcome grin spread slowly over Hannah’s features. ‘I should know it soon enough,’ she declared boisterously, ‘and so would other people. Lord, there would be an upset! Chidham would have something to talk about for once. We should be in the papers – both of us.’
Goddard forced a smile. ‘Dear me!’ he said gently. ‘Your pen seems to be a dangerous weapon, Hannah, but I hope that the need to open it will not happen for another fifty years. You look well and strong.’
The woman nodded. ‘I don’t take up my troubles before they come,’ she said, with a satisfied air; ‘but there’s no harm in trying to prevent them coming. Prevention is better than cure.’
‘Exactly,’ said her master; ‘and, by the way, there’s no need for this little financial arrangement to be known by anyone else. I might become unpopular with my neighbours for setting a bad example. Of course, I am giving you this sum because I really think you are worth it.’
‘I’m sure you do,’ said Hannah. ‘I’m not sure I ain’t worth more, but this’ll do to go on with. I shall get a girl for less than we are paying Milly, and that’ll be another little bit extra for me.’
‘Certainly,’ said Goddard, and smiled again.
‘Come to think of it,’ said Hannah, pausing at the door, ‘I ain’t sure I shall get anybody else; then there’ll be more money than ever for me. If I do the work I might as well have the money.’
Her master nodded, and, left to himself, sat down to think out a position which was as intolerable as it was dangerous. At a great risk he had escaped from the dominion of one woman only to fall, bound and helpless, into the hands of another. However vague and unconvincing the suspicions of Hannah might be, they would be sufficient. Evidence could be unearthed. Cold with fear one moment, and hot with fury the next, he sought in vain for some avenue of escape. It was his brain against that of a cunning, illiterate fool; a fool whose malicious stupidity only added to his danger. And she drank. With largely increased wages she would drink more and his very life might depend upon a hiccuped boast. It was clear that she was enjoying her supremacy; later on her vanity would urge her to display it before others. He might have to obey the crack of her whip before witnesses, and that would cut off all possibility of escape.
He sat with his head in his hands. There must be a way out and he must find it. Soon. He must find it before gossip began; before the changed position of master and servant lent colour to her story when that story became known. Shaking with fury, he thought of her lean, ugly throat and the joy of choking her life out with his fingers. He started suddenly, and took a quick breath. No, not fingers – a rope.
Bright and cheerful outside and with his friends, in the house he was quiet and submissive. Milly had gone, and, if the service was poorer and the rooms neglected, he gave no sign. If a bell remained unanswered he made no complaint, and to studied insolence turned the other cheek of politeness. When at this tribute to her power the woman smiled, he smiled in return. A smile which, for all its disarming softness, left her vaguely uneasy.
‘I’m not afraid of you,’ she said once, with a menacing air.
‘I hope not,’ said Goddard in a slightly surprised voice.
‘Some people might be, but I’m not,’ she declared. ‘If anything happened to me –’
‘Nothing could happen to such a careful woman as you are,’ he said, smiling again. ‘You ought to live to ninety – with luck.’
It was clear to him that the situation was getting on his nerves. Unremembered but terrible dreams haunted his sleep. Dreams in which some great, inevitable disaster was always pressing upon him, although he could never discover what it was. Each morning he awoke unrefreshed to face another day of torment. He could not meet the woman’s eyes for fear of revealing the threat that was in his own.
Delay was dangerous and foolish. He had thought out every move in that contest of wits which was to remove the shadow of the rope from his own neck and place it about that of the woman. There was a little risk, but the stake was a big one. He had but to set the ball rolling and others would keep it on its course. It was time to act.
He came in a little jaded from his afternoon walk, and left his tea untouched. He ate but little dinner, and, sitting hunched up over the fire, told the woman that he had taken a slight chill. Her concern, he felt grimly, might have been greater if she had known the cause.
He was no better next day, and after lunch called in to consult his doctor. He left with a clean bill of health except for a slight digestive derangement, the remedy for which he took away with him in a bottle. For two days he swallowed one tablespoonful three times a day in water, without result, then he took to his bed.
‘A day or two in bed won’t hurt you,’ said the doctor. ‘Show me that tongue of yours again.’
‘But what is the matter with me, Roberts?’ inquired the patient.
The doctor pondered. ‘Nothing to trouble about – nerves a bit wrong – digestion a little bit impaired. You’ll be all right in a day or two.’
Goddard nodded. So far, so good; Roberts had not outlived his usefulness. He smiled grimly after the doctor had left at the surprise he was preparing for him. A little rough on Roberts and his professional reputation, perhaps, but these things could not be avoided.
He lay back and visualized the programme. A day or two longer, getting gradually worse, then a little sickness. After that a nervous, somewhat shamefaced patient hinting at things. His food had a queer taste – he felt worse after taking it; he knew it was ridiculous, still – there was some of his beef-tea he had put aside, perhaps the doctor would like to examine it? and the medicine? Secretions, too; perhaps he would like to see those?
Propped on his elbow, he stared fixedly at the wall. There would be a trace – a faint trace – of arsenic in the secretions. There would be more than a trace in the other things. An attempt to poison him would be clearly indicated, and – his wife’s symptoms had resembled his own – let Hannah get out of the web he was spinning if she could. As for the letter she had threatened him with, let her produce it; it could only recoil upon herself. Fifty letters could not save her from the doom he was preparing for her. It was her life or his, and he would show no mercy. For three days he doctored himself with sedulous care, watching himself anxiously the while. His nerve was going and he knew it. Before him was the strain of the discovery, the arrest, and the trial. The gruesome business of his wife’s death. A long business. He would wait no longer, and he would open the proceedings with dramatic suddenness.
It was between nine and ten o’clock at night when he rang his bell, and it was not until he had rung four times that he heard the heavy steps of Hannah mounting the stairs.
‘What d’you want?’ she demanded, standing in the doorway.
‘I’m very ill,’ he said, gasping. ‘Run for the doctor. Quick!’
The woman stared at him in genuine amazement. ‘What, at this time o’ night?’ she exclaimed. ‘Not likely.’
‘I’m dying!’ said Goddard in a broken voice.
‘Not you,’ she said, roughly. ‘You’ll be better in the morning.’
‘I’m dying,’ he repeated. ‘Go – for – the – doctor.’
The woman hesitated. The rain beat in heavy squalls against the window, and the doctor’s house was a mile distant on the lonely road. She glanced at the figure on the bed.
‘I should catch my death o’ cold,’ she grumbled.
She stood sullenly regarding him. He certainly looked very ill, and his death would by no means benefit her. She listened, scowling, to the wind and the rain.
‘All right,’ she said at last, and went noisily from the room.
His face set in a mirthless smile, he he
ard her bustling about below. The front-door slammed violently and he was alone.
He waited for a few moments and then, getting out of bed, put on his dressing-gown and set about his preparations. With a steady hand he added a little white powder to the remains of his beef-tea and to the contents of his bottle of medicine. He stood listening a moment at some faint sound from below, and, having satisfied himself, lit a candle and made his way to Hannah’s room. For a space he stood irresolute, looking about him. Then he opened one of the drawers and, placing the broken packet of powder under a pile of clothing at the back, made his way back to bed.
He was disturbed to find that he was trembling with excitement and nervousness. He longed for tobacco, but that was impossible. To reassure himself he began to rehearse his conversation with the doctor, and again he thought over every possible complication. The scene with the woman would be terrible; he would have to be too ill to take any part in it. The less he said the better. Others would do all that was necessary.
He lay for a long time listening to the sound of the wind and the rain. Inside, the house seemed unusually quiet, and with an odd sensation he suddenly realized that it was the first time he had been alone in it since his wife’s death. He remembered that she would have to be disturbed. The thought was unwelcome. He did not want her to be disturbed. Let the dead sleep.
He sat up in bed and drew his watch from beneath the pillow. Hannah ought to have been back before; in any case she could not be long now. At any moment he might hear her key in the lock. He lay down again and reminded himself that things were shaping well. He had shaped them, and some of the satisfaction of the artist was his.
The silence was oppressive. The house seemed to be listening, waiting. He looked at his watch again and wondered, with a curse, what had happened to the woman. It was clear that the doctor must be out, but that was no reason for her delay. It was close on midnight, and the atmosphere of the house seemed in some strange fashion to be brooding and hostile.
In the lull in the wind he thought he heard footsteps outside, and his face cleared as he sat up listening for the sound of the key in the door below. In another moment the woman would be in the house and the fears engendered by a disordered fancy would have flown. The sound of the steps had ceased, but he could hear no sound of entrance. Until all hope had gone, he sat listening. He was certain he had heard footsteps. Whose?